Panagiotis Panagopoulos Papageorgiou

Panagiotis Panagopoulos Papageorgiou

Graduate Student

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Panagiotis joined the Kulik group in January 2025 as a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering. He graduated from the University of Patras in 2023 with an M.Eng. in Chemical Engineering, where he worked with Prof. Vlasis Mavrantzas to study the structural dynamics of keratin-derived antimicrobial peptides in aqueous solutions and their interactions with model bacterial membranes. In the Kulik lab, Panagiotis aims to leverage computational methods and machine learning to accelerate the mechanistic discovery of enzymes.

  • machine learning
  • enzyme catalysis
  • mechanistic discovery
  • molecular dynamics
  • M.Eng. in Chemical Engineering, 2023

    University of Patras